Sunday, March 22, 2020

Corona Letters #6 - Corona Lessons

Dear Fellow Quarantiners,

Since today is Sunday and usually a day of reflection, I am going to use today to reflect on the positives I am taking from this experience


Yesterday I had an epic meltdown.  I just didn't want to deal with everything anymore.  I had reached my limit.   I think it's important to admit that we all have these moments.  

Anyway, I was mess, a puddle of tears.  I lashed out at my husband at dinner for no particular reason and it was all over after that.  This sums up about how badly I wanted this whole crisis to be over, and how I was expressing myself last night:

Alas, my tantrum was not effective in ending the spreading the virus.
However, all hope was not lost.  By evenings end I was receiving texts from various friends trying to get people involved in different efforts to help people who were affected by this quarantine in different ways.   It's hard to stay upset when people are being so kind.

My takeaway - I will have moments during this time when I feel overwhelmed by this quarantine but if I wait just a little while, the good in the world will show me the silver linings.


Which brings me to the next lesson:

This world seems topsy turvy right now and we've all been put in a "time-out" by the powers that be. "Stay home", "keep social distance", "keep away from everybody".   You'd think this would be enough to make everyone crawl into bed and hibernate until it's all over.   It seems quite the opposite to me though.   Everywhere I turn people are trying to help each other through this difficult time.  Yes, it is from afar but I'm amazed at how creative people are being.      It can be as simple as texting each other and checking in, or as complicated as trying to sew masks or other gear for medical workers.   It can be running to the grocery store for a friend who is quarantined due to being vulnerable, sick, or having traveled out of the country.  It can be FaceTiming a friend who is alone and needs to see another human face.   It can be leaving a book, a bag of candy, or a container of oatmeal on a doorstep.  These, among other things, are all things helpers do.

I feel like I need to add to the abundance of creative expression I see on social media.   This helps too.
People sing, write poetry, dance, and create other kinds of art and these efforts are very touching and can help us all feel our common humanity.

I don't need to look for the helpers Mr. Rogers.  I am blessedly surrounded by them.


I'm sure you've read like I have that with everyone quarantined, people are traveling less and there are less carbon emissions amongst other things.  Mother Nature is getting a much deserved break and the world is starting to heal itself.   There are actually dolphins and fish swimming in the canals of Venice, which hasn't been seen in a very long time!   We should be paying attention to this.   We are healing too.  Yes, we are spending a lot of time on computers, social media, and Netflix.   We are also getting back in touch with our immediate surroundings.   Spending time with our families, our pets, and even walking with our neighbors (at a social distance of course).   When this is all over, let's remember all the healing that took place during this time.

It's like Mother Nature is saying, "I really didn't want to do this, I warned you to take care of the Earth, and you didn't listen so now look what I have to do. Sigh."


That's all I have to say on this Sunday.  Hope everyone is healthy!

Take Care!  Stay Connected!  Stay Virus Free!



Corona Letters #7

Dear Fellow Quarantiners, Well, it's official now, isn't it?  Our Governor has announced that Massachusetts residents must Shelter...