Thursday, January 10, 2013

Dear Smart Non-Asian Kid (SNAK),

Dear Smart Non-Asian Kid (SNAK) in DD2's math class,

I don't know much about you.   I am assuming you are smart because my daughter told me that you received a 100% on your recent algebra test.  I am also guessing you are not Asian, because of what I have heard about you.  So, if you don't mind I will just call you SNAK.

SNAK, I think you should be really proud of yourself for getting a 100% on that test.  From what I hear, it was not an easy test, so getting a perfect score was quite a feat.   As you know, my daughter received a 95% on that test.    She studied and worked really hard to get that grade.   She did not, however, appreciate it when you bragged to some classmates that you "did better than the Asian kid".

SNAK, I'm guessing you are a kid who has some potential so I want to tell you something.   Being Asian doesn't mean you are automatically smart.  No one, of any race, is born understanding algebra.  Now, I will concede that it comes easier to some than others, but everyone has to take the time to learn it.    When you said, that you "did better than the Asian kid", you did a disservice to both yourself and my daughter.    I am guessing that you were driven to do well on that test.   I am guessing that you studied hard, put down the video controller, and figured out all your x's and y's.   You didn't do well on that test because of your ethnicity, and neither did she.     She is a kid with goals, and doing her homework is important to her, she has places she wants to go in this world, and she works hard to achieve her goals.   I'm guessing you do too.   So, let's stop the racial remarks, it's demeaning to you both.

So SNAK, next time you do better than my daughter on a math test (like that is going to ever happen now that you have gotten her ire up), try saying, "Wow!  I did better than DD2 and she works really hard."   or even better, try saying, "Wow!  I got a 100% on my math test!  I studied so hard for this test!  That is freaking awesome!  I am freaking awesome!"

SNAK, what I am trying to say is that I have faith in you.  Let's bring it up a notch.  Okay?

Thank you.


Corona Letters #7

Dear Fellow Quarantiners, Well, it's official now, isn't it?  Our Governor has announced that Massachusetts residents must Shelter...