Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Keep an Open Mind

If you asked me to name 3 adjectives to describe myself I'm fairly certain "open-minded" would be one of them.

I really don't care what color your skin is, what shape your eyes are, what God you believe in (or don't don't believe in), who you marry or sleep with, what you keep in your uterus (or what you don't keep in there) or what your genitals are in relation to your gender identification.   It's all good as long as you are a "good" person.

Recently a friend that I've known for over 20 years asked me to be open-minded about something that was so opposite of my own beliefs it challenged me to the core.

How can I say I'm open-minded if I'm only open to ideas that are similar to my own?

So I gave it some serious thought.   I mean some really serious thought.

I don't care if you are gay.
I don't care if you are trans.
I don't care if you are black.
I don't care if you are muslim.
I really don't care.

But, what if you are a white, Christian heterosexual with beliefs that challenge these other beliefs?
Do I care then?

The aforementioned friend sent me a video this morning of a white pastor asking his community to be open-minded in both directions.   He asked them to be open and accepting to communities that were different than their own and asked those communities for the same favor in return.   "Please allow us to be and think this way." he basically said.

I pondered this.

Perhaps I should.   Perhaps I should just let everyone think the way they want to.  Live and let live.

I asked my husband, "Am I truly being open-minded if I am closed off to ideas that don't align with my own".

In one line, my smart, insightful husband summed it up perfectly for me, he said something like, "There is a difference between being open to different ideas that are inclusive in nature, versus exclusive in nature."

And in that one sentence he summed up the core of my beliefs.

Open your hearts and your doors.

Open them to everyone.

Let in the people that are gay, trans, black, muslim but also those that are white, straight and Christian.   Everyone should have a place at the table.  Let them all into your "house".   Let them all into your heart.   Turn to them all and say, "Hello friend, you are welcome here."
Let there be discussion and a sharing of ideas.   Listen to each other.   Absorb new ideas and thoughts.  Do not be fearful or afraid of ideas that are different.  Thank each other for expanding your horizons.  Say things like "I never thought of it that way before."   Smile at each other.  Love each other.

But, here's the thing.

As soon as you shut the door on any one group, your request for anyone else to keep an open mind is denied.
It's that simple.
You do not have the right to say, "Understand my perspective" if you are not truly doing the same.

It really is that simple.

Note:  This blog was not written to make anyone feel bad about their beliefs, but instead, for all of us to question whether our doors and hearts are truly open.

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